L-theanin and meditation for relaxed vigilance

Meditation is becoming increasingly popular, not mandatory to find spiritual enlightenment, but to counter stress, to get a pleasant focus and head free from too loud thoughts. L-theanin is, so to speak, "the" meditation active ingredient par excellence, including because it Guayusa and green tea makes valuable companions. Why caffeine and L-theanin together have positive characteristics on meditation, more on this in this article.
Table of contents
- Why meditate?
- Head free through meditation
- Meditation against stress
- Caffeine and meditation
- L-theanin and meditation
- Conclusion
1. Why meditate?
Meditation is still greatly underestimated and is smiled at by many. The reason for this is certainly the view that it is hokus pocus. However, the fact is that the positive effects can now be scientifically proven. What has been practiced by spiritual scholars such as monks in Asian culture for thousands of years is now also well received in our broken world.
Meditation in this country is less of spiritual enlightenment, but more to counteract stress and get your head free. Meditation is used as an aid for increased productivity with more focus and by Biohacking additionally with other Dietary supplements How L-Theanin combines.
2. Head free through meditation
In our western world, tension, stress, hustle and bustle, overwhelming and burnout are the order of the day. Diseases like ADHD flood our society and Energy drinks, full of artificial caffeine, regardless of health, day in, day out, it consumes more performance in the hope.
The desire for the "head" is no longer uncommon and meditation can do real miracles here. Any kind of meditation basically focuses on taming the mind, understanding it and ultimately living with him in harmony.
The nature of our mind is to be thought. Thoughts will therefore not disappear, but our dealings with them can change dramatically for the positive. The desire to get your head free can be found through meditation to ensure that loud thoughts fall silent, so that we have space for new more positive thoughts.
3. Meditation against stress
There are numerous triggers for stress. Himself caffeine can be one. Meditation helps you to be able to deal with both stressful situations and stress that have already occurred.
A meditation routine will help you in the long term in general to be able to deal with stress situation better, although meditation at the moment of stress can even help.
However, you should avoid the combination of pure caffeine and meditation. Caffeine looks too easy for our minds, in isolation.
4. Caffeine and meditation
The well-known "Monkey-Mind" is created, for example, by an excessive consumption of unbound caffeine without the right antagonist.
If you want to integrate meditation into your everyday life, you should therefore do without drinks such as coffee, Yerba Mate, Guarana and Energy drinks, as all of these drinks do not have a suitable antagonist active ingredient.
We would like to get the mind together during meditation, but caffeine rummages up and makes it much more difficult to get lost in thoughts.
5. L-theanin and meditation
L-theanin is such a suitable antagonist for the Caffeine side effects. However, L-theanin only occurs in two plants and is therefore an extremely rare amino acid.
Buddhist monks recognized the effect of L-theanin years ago. Of course not as an isolated active ingredient, but by drinking Tea. The tea plant is with Guayusa Together the only one that contains L-theanine.
For this reason, both green tea and Guayusa Perfect companions in meditation against stress, or to get your head free. However, L-theanin as an isolated active ingredient would no longer be so good accompaniment, as this would have too much calming effect. The optimal effect occurs when combined with caffeine, since our minds are both awake and relaxed.
L-theanin ensures a pleasant and relaxed focus on meditation. It compensates for the jewelry that can arise from caffeine, without impairing the attitude.
In our blog post “L-theanin effect-concentration, sleep, depression & caffeine“Read, or you at YouTube look at.
6. Conclusion
L-theanin-containing drinks such as green tea and Guayusa are the ideal companion for anyone who wants to start meditation or has already built up a routine. In particular Guayusa It enables a permanent and pleasant waking state to be obtained, which counteracts the Monkey Mind and even promotes sleep in the evening.
For meditation you can e.g. our 100% Guayusa-Sorts PURE and DARK use, or our less intense varieties such as LEMONGRASS and ORANGE-MINT With only 50% Guayusa-Portion. The variety is suitable in the evening CHAI Best, since only 30% Guayusa are included, but a lot of cinnamon, cardamom and cloves, which give a pleasant warmth, especially in the cold season.