Decentralization of companies & co -determination of customers in a DAO

Decentralized autonomous organizations, in short DAOS, offer you the opportunity to actively participate in the organization of companies and the design of products.
As a consumer, you now have the option of choosing a variety of products and if you do not like a product, you can use a similar product from another company. But what if the products generally do not agree with you due to various aspects? In this case, you have no way to influence without not working as an entrepreneur and high investment costs. The decentralization of companies offers an innovative opportunity to have a say in a consumer.
Table of contents
- Construction of current companies
Building a DAO - decentralized autonomous organization
- Conclusion - decentralization of companies to a DAO
1. Building current companies
Current common corporate structures are always hierarchically structured, accordingly a handful of people decide how the company should act economically. As a rule, it is a CEO (managing director) and large companies and corporations also a tribe of consultants and managers.
This type of corporate structure can have advantages, such as B. the quick action in emergency situations. Neither a CEO nor a manager inevitably have to obtain the permission of your employees in order to make changes.
However, these types of emergency situations are rare. In contrast, long -term decision -making that takes days, weeks or months in preparation are more present. In large companies, these decisions are made without employees and customers. Not without reason, because there are some challenges in current company structures:
- Missing incentive for employees & customers
- To have a lack of incentive for managers & CEO
- Necessary transparency in the company
- Technical possibilities for smooth implementation
Rather, current companies can be seen in their structure as a one -way street in which ideas, actions and information take place at the end of the street and are only carried out in one direction.
In terms of transparency for customers and employees in particular, this is extremely unattractive, and it also carries a high risk of fraud and unethical behavior.
2. Building a DAO - decentralized autonomous organization
One Decentralized autonomous organization, in short, on the other hand, rather resembles a roundabout in which many sides can be viewed, contributed and decided. The decentralized structure and nature of a DAO therefore harbors many advantages over a conventional corporate structure.
2.1. Advantages of decentralized corporate structure
Due to the transparency in a decentralized corporate structure, employees, customers and completely uninvolved and independent institutes can inspect the events. This is particularly important when it comes to the following things:
- Origin of resources
- Production of goods
- environmental Protection
- Treatment of suppliers (topic fair trade)
- Compliance with human rights
- Management of money
2.2. Structure - this is how a DAO works
Decentralization is an increasingly important part in the financial sector, and will also be in the areas of politics and companies in the future.
The reason for this is that a decentralized structure places power into the hands of many instead of a few. Our steadily growing society builds on a centuries -old system, which will probably continue to lead to a collapse or even more centralization.
A DAO offers a way out of this opaque centralization by eliminating the need for central authorities for the purpose of authentication.
This is done by integrating blockchain technology. This is fundamentally nothing more than a digital string of information that can no longer be changed after all members of the DAO. This excludes manipulation.
2.3. Co -determination in a decentralized autonomous organization dao
Practically creating a DAO like the foundation of a company works. One or more people create a kind of statute with goals and how these goals are to be achieved.
Afterwards, other members who can identify with the goals and ideology of the decentralized autonomous organization can join. This accession is similarly a participation of stock corporations by buying a ticket (called NFT or token). Due to the simplicity of DAOS, this purchase is possible for everyone in the world, regardless of origin, provided that a mobile phone or computer with an internet connection is available.
As soon as a ticket has been bought, it is possible to identify and participate within the DAO as a member. Ideas can be brought in, votes are held and decisions influenced. Even actions as an employee can be carried out.
Depending on the activity within the DAO, additional privileges such as discounts on products, participation in actions, pre -purchase rights for new products and even profit distributions are possible.
Due to its decentralized structure, Daos therefore enable millions of people to participate in the success of a company. Customers are no longer inevitably only consumers, but active rulers who are rewarded for their loyalty and possible participation.
2.4. Decentralization of current companies
Current companies to convert into a decentralized autonomous organization also work, theoretically even with global groups. In practice, however, it will probably only take place among small, medium -sized and new companies. You can find out how Daos could change the prevailing mega group in the article “Can DAOS change prevailing mega companies?“
3. Conclusion - decentralization of companies to a DAO
Decentralized corporate structures can form the basis for companies and customers of the future. Daos enable communities to form, whose members pursue common goals. Due to the network effect, new decentralized companies have an advantage over existing companies that have to pay a lot of money for marketing, market analyzes and employees.
In order to better understand the advantages, we recommend the article “Daos, companies of the future? Potential for customers & companies“.
At the same time, the transparency of the events that can be checked at any time brings back the trustworthiness of companies within a DAO.
However, the great strength is also the biggest challenge of a DAO. A DAO cannot be successful without an active community.