Ayahuasca ceremony & retreat - effect, DMT & recipe

The Ayahuasca ceremony is a tradition that is at least 2,500 years old and originated with the indigenous people of South America. Compared to Cacao ceremonies and Guayusa-ceremonies She is therefore comparatively young, which is probably due to the complexity of an ayahuasca recipe. When preparing an Ayahuasca tea, at least two ingredients are needed, e.g. B. the trunk of a liana and the leaves of another plant.
In this article you will find out why ayahuasca is a highly complex topic, what you can expect from its effects and from a ceremony or even a multi-day retreat.
- What is Ayahuasca?
- Ayahuasca ingredients & effects
- Ayahuasca ceremony
- Ayahuasca ceremony/retreat in Germany
- Legal?
- Good experience of an Ayahuasca ceremony
- Ayahuasca Dangers – Bad Experiences
- Ayahuasca VS DMT
Ayahuasca recipes
- Ayahuasca journey
- Conclusion
1. What is Ayahuasca?
Ayahuasca is a vine from the South American rainforest. Translated from the language of the Kichwa, the indigenous people of the Amazon, it means something like “soul tendril” or “liana of the spirits”, as the medicine promises a deeply spiritual journey. Translated exactly, “Aya” means something like spirit or ancestor and “Huasca” means something like vine or rope. Finds of an Ayahuasca ceremony bowl made of stone have been dated to around 500 BC. Dated. The custom has existed for at least 2,500 years.
The vine is used by indigenous tribes of the Amazon to achieve an altered state of consciousness in ritual ceremonies and ayahuasca retreats lasting several days in order to heal mental and physical illnesses.
Ayahuasca has been used by locals in the Amazon of South America for healing since ancient times. The medicinal plant is also receiving more and more attention in our latitudes.
The shamans' magic potion promises a lot, which is why Ayahuasca is becoming increasingly popular here in Germany. It is intended to expand consciousness, enable travel into the past and a look into the future and even cure illnesses.
The ayahuasca vine is used together withDMT-containing leaves, such as those ofChakrana, cooked into a vegetable broth. DMT is a psychedelic active ingredient that can be found in nature, in many plants and also in the human body. However, DMT, if absorbed through the stomach, only develops its effect together with other plant substances known as...MAO inhibitors are known.
2. Ayahuasca ingredients & effects
In order to do justice to the effects of ayahuasca, we start with the description of the most important ingredients and then move on to the effect on the body, mind and spirit.
Anyone who has already experienced an Ayahuasca ceremony will find many of the effects described again and will probably miss a lot, because each participant has individual experiences that cannot possibly all be described.
If you are thinking about attending an Ayahuasca retreat, you can use a lot of information from this article to help you go well prepared for the trip.
Who follows our posts and maybe even in Newsletter If you are registered, you know that we always shed light on the scientific side. For us, the spiritual and scientific are not opposing paths, because both can benefit from each other.
For this article, we therefore took a close look at what official reports and studies say on the subject of ayahuasca as medicine and specifically as a therapy tool.
Later we will go into the experiences of individual participants, which will be much more spiritual.
2.1. Ayahuasca ingredients
When we talk about Ayahuasca, we are talking about the ready-to-drink brew, a kind of teaat least meaning two plants. The lianaBanisteriopsis caapi, or simply Caapi and Psychotria viridis, or also called Chakruna.
Caapi contains the following important ingredients for an Ayahuasca recipe:
- Harmine
- Harmaline
- Tetrahydroharmine
All three are alkaloids, which are calledMAO inhibitors (monoamine oxidase inhibitors) works.
Chakruna, on the other hand, contains the psychoactiveDMT (Dimethyltryptamine).
In order for the DMT in Chakruna to work orally, the MAO inhibitors in Caapi are necessary. These prevent thatOxidation, i.e. destruction, of DMT in the stomach.
2.2. Effect
MAO inhibitors
If we only look at the monoamine oxidase inhibitors, they have already been used in numerous studieseffectiveness proven to be a cure for the following illnesses.
- Panic attacks
- Agoraphobia
- Social phobia
- Atypical depression
- Anxiety disorders of various kinds
- bulimia
- Post-traumatic stress disorder
- Borderline personality disorder
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- Bipolar depression
DMT is an active ingredient that occurs naturally in plants, animals and humans. However, when taken orally, it is simply broken down by the body without any effect or is further used as an amino acid.
DMT only works immediately intravenously or as inhalation; if administered orally, an MAO inhibitor must also be taken.
The sole effect of DMT is included
- a changed sense of time
- visual, auditory and haptic perceptions
- Hallucinations of geometric shapes
- Perceiving various creatures, often described as small gnomes, elves and small humans, speaking in high pitched voices
DMT is the hallucinogenic active ingredient in an Ayahuasca ceremony. Strictly speaking, there is no such thing as an ayahuasca vine and for an effective recipe you need at least two plants, one of which contains DMT and one that contains MAO inhibitors as active ingredients.
By the way, scientists have identified DMT as a substance produced by our brain, specifically the pineal gland. They attribute it an important role in the REM phase of sleep.
Ayahuasca effect on the brain
The active ingredients in Ayahuasca, DMT and the β-carbolines from the Caapi Ayahuasca vine (harmine, harmaline, tetrahydroharmine), are said to have a nerve cell-protecting and even renewing effect in our brain.
The DMT in Ayahuasca activates e.g. B. the production of the protein SIG-1R, which prevents nerve degeneration in the brain through the production of antioxidants prevented. Laboratory studies also found a protective effect of nerve cells that suffered from a lack of oxygen.
Harimin works against it anti-inflammatory and positive about that memory. It could also support nerve cell growth through increased production of supporting proteins noted become.
In addition, laboratory studies showed a 70% increase in the growth of the precursor cells from which later nerve cells arise. proven become.
This could be a scientific reason why many participants are able to relive past events up close. The ayahuasca effect could have a positive effect on the brain's memory.
Ayahuasca effect on the psyche
Ayahuasca has shown in several studies that it can significantly increase participants' mindfulness and acceptance. Both are aspects that are important components in psychology well-being be seen. Another study also confirms an improvement in mood and ability to deal with emotions to deal with.
In a study in which 57 participants took part in an Ayahuasca ceremony, all reported an enormous reduction in stress, which lasted several weeks after the ceremony stopped.
Other effects of ayahuasca on our psyche include the above-mentioned positive properties on depression, post-traumatic stress disorders, addictions and mood swings. In a study with 29 chronically depressed subjects, just a single dose of ayahuasca led to a significant improvement and in another study, attending an ayahuasca retreat led to a direct relief the depression described by the test subjects.
Ayahuasca tea made from leaves and lianas has also been shown in numerous studies to have a positive effect on patients who have been addicted to cocaine, alcohol and nicotine for a long time.
According to current studies, the effect of ayahuasca appears to have a positive effect on the formation and protection of nerve cells in the brain. It appears to improve mood, depression, and emotional control, helping addicts break away from their addictions.
3. Ayahuasca ceremony
The most authentic Ayahuasca retreat possible with the preparation of a real Ayahuasca recipe can only be experienced in South American countries such as Ecuador, Peru, Brazil and Costa Rica. However, there are also a few providers of pseudo Ayahuasca ceremonies in Germany.
There is the option to take part in a single ceremony or attend a retreat over several days or weeks and connect with the effects of ayahuasca several times during this time.
3.1. Sequence
The process of an Ayahuasca retreat is not always the same, but is similar. Depending on where you hold your ceremony, whether in Ecuador, Peru, Colombia or even Germany, there will be slight to major differences. However, you will always have a “Curanderos” by your side. This is a shaman, i.e. a traditional healer.
The retreat is usually initiated days or weeks before the actual ceremony by following a special diet. You should avoid animal products, sugar, salt, and things like tobacco and alcohol.
The Ayahuasca ceremony can begin with the shaman cleansing you of evil energies using smoke. This is usually done with the help of Mapacho, the jungle tobacco. The shaman does not inhale the smoke, but simply blows it.
After the first cleansing you will receive the Ayahuasca tea. You can now e.g. B. withdraw for meditation. However, it is more likely that your accompanying healer will introduce you to the healing experience through special chants.
The songs will Icaros called and allow the shaman to communicate with the necessary spirits for healing and thereby control the intensity of the ceremony. The effects of Ayahuasca tea made from vines and leaves begin approx. 30 to 60 minutes after drinking and last for 2 to 6 hours, depending on the intensity.
Immediately at the beginning you may experience vomiting and diarrhea. This is seen as a good sign and further cleansing process. The more intensively you have followed the diet beforehand, the fewer these cleansing processes will probably be.
Jungle medicine takes you into another, visionary world. The cure achieved through Ayahuasca is the understanding of what has happened in your life currently and in the past. The ceremony allows you to release anger, bitterness and fears and transform them into acceptance, joy and love.
3.2. Costs of an Ayahuasca ceremony in South America
The Ayahuasca ceremony offers vary enormously and range from daily costs between €100 and €500 upwards.
There are entire all-inclusive “hotels” where you can stay for several weeks to take part in many ceremonies. But there are also day courses.
You can find out how you can save costs for an ayahuasca ceremony in South America without having to forego quality in our travel tips below.
4. Ayahuasca ceremony/retreat in Germany
In addition to the trip to South America, for which we will give you a few tips at the end of the article, you also have the opportunity to hold an Ayahuasca retreat in Germany. These are usually 1-day ceremonies with comparable MAO inhibitors to the Caapi Liana used in real Ayahuasca.
Since DMT is illegal in Germany, well-known MAO inhibitors such as steppe rue are used and boiled in particularly high concentrations for the pseudo ayahuasca recipe. This is intended to activate the body's own DMT, which our pineal gland produces.
4.1. Ayahuasca Retreat Berlin
Due to the ban on DMT in Germany, it is difficult to find an ayahuasca ceremony in Berlin. But if not here, then where? We recommend checking out Facebook groups and Instagram to find possible gatherings.
Make sure beforehand that the Ayahuasca recipe is not prepared with plants containing DMT so that you do not commit a criminal offense in Germany...
4.2. Costs of an Ayahuasca ceremony in Germany
The costs for an Ayahuasca retreat or a single ceremony in Germany are neither significantly more nor cheaper than in South America. The price range from 100 to 500 € per day is also represented.
In most cases, however, only the ceremony itself, i.e. the preparation of the Ayahuasca recipe, and the accompaniment during the effect period are included. The stay must be paid additionally, although in South America the stay is usually included in the price.
The question here is whether a vacation and an entire Ayahuasca retreat might not be a better combination and more cost-effective in order to experience a real ceremony in an authentic environment.
5. Legal?
We have already mentioned it, ayahuasca or the single active ingredient DMT is illegal in Germany. However, plants containing DTM are not illegal. This would not be possible because many plant species contain DMT, some more, some less.
However, the preparation of these plants, the consumption of the resulting tea or the possession of pure DMT crystals were banned by the state.
In general, the situation is largely the same across Europe. With the exception of Portugal, where drugs of all kinds have been decriminalized for personal consumption, we have not found any country that declares DMT or Ayahuasca to be legal. You can find an overview of countries where ayahuasca is legal here.
By the way, as a reminder, the Ayahuasca vine does not have DMT. Some shops sell the liana as a standalone product, but you can't do anything with it.
6. Good experiences of an Ayahuasca ceremony
The good experiencesthat we will describe to you come from retreat and ceremony participants from South America. We think these are the most authentic experiences as they delve into the origins of Ayahuasca both geographically and humanely.
„I was able to learn as much from the other participants as I did from the ceremonies themselves, just by listening to their personal life experiences.“
„Even weeks later, I'm still digesting and learning new things from the experience.“
„A deep understanding of myself and how my mind works and keeps me in chaos on a daily basis.“
„Ayahuasca took me on a fantastic journey into myself. The Amazon showed me, taught me so much, I miss the breath-taking sounds of the rainforest.“
„Magical sounds of the jungle.“
„The highlight of medicine was nature itself.“
„Crazy, wonderful and disappointing. Expectations should stay at home. Every Ayahuasca ceremony is different, unique and on new levels.”
„It changed my life.“
„Ayahuasca helped me learn how wonderful life is and how beautiful it is to be alive.“
„It brings out the brutal truth.“
„The sounds of the jungle were enriching every evening and every morning.”
„I learned a lot through the plant, it's almost like I was communicating with my own cells. In addition to these fantastic experiences, it is not always easy. Vomiting can be extremely uncomfortable, but even that experience taught me the biggest lesson of all time.“
„I recommend an Ayahuasca retreat with many ceremonies to anyone who wants to develop personally and find their individual path.“
7. Ayahuasca Dangers – Bad Experiences
In addition to the numerous positive ones, there are also bad experiences that show the potential dangers of an Ayahuasca ceremony, but also the existence of possibly malicious “shamans”.
The most common bad experiences are that the dose of ayahuasca tea is too strong or that the side effects such as vomiting, diarrhea, anxiety and so-called horror trips due to hallucinations predominate.
In addition to these bad experiences, which can be traced back to the potion itself, participants also report dangers that can come from the shaman.
You can find some of the bad experiences here, they have been freely translated by us:
„The staff are really nice people and they mean well. However, in my case, they gave me too high a dose that I wasn't ready for, which led to my first panic attack ever. Since then, the last 2 months have been quite a hell for me, during which I had to be hospitalized in my hometown.“ Source Google
„DON'T GO HERE! I was sexually assaulted during my massage and it was a horrible, traumatic experience. I pray that no other girl has to suffer the same disgusting treatment from this man.“ Source Google
„If you are a woman, please avoid it! I was pressured into drinking ayahuasca even though I didn't want to at the time. I was told my boyfriend was leaving me and I didn't feel safe. One of the shamans was inappropriate and told me that he liked me and wanted to see me at my hotel while my friend was still on retreat.“ Source Google
„Now that I'm back home, I sometimes feel like life isn't real and that I never came back and actually fell into a coma. I feel like I'm in a coma and my parents and family are waiting for me to wake up.“ Source Reddit post
7.1. Ayahuasca and medication
If you take any type of prescription medication, such as: For example, if you have antibiotics or high blood pressure or heart problems, you probably shouldn't take ayahuasca. Taking antidepressants and ayahuasca should also be discussed with a doctor beforehand.
It is also recommended to stop taking any kind of drugs and stimulants a few weeks before the Ayahuasca ceremony.
Any type of medications and herbs that affect serotonin levels should be discontinued.
Ayahuasca is not recommended for patients diagnosed with personality disorders.
8. Ayahuasca VS DMT
DMT is the psychoactive ingredient in Chakruna. The Caapi Ayahuasca vine, on the other hand, only contains the MAO inhibitors that are necessary for the DMT to work.
However, DMT can also be consumed as a single substance in the form of smoke through the lungs and then does not require an MAO inhibitor.
The big difference between DMT and Ayahuasca is that Ayahuasca represents a complete package of active ingredients. DMT, on the other hand, is an extract. This is therefore comparable to one Guayusa tea and a pure one Caffeine extract. The Guayusa In addition to caffeine, tea contains all sorts of things other active ingredients, which is different overall Effect than the pure caffeine extract.
Consuming pure DMT leads to a short, very strong high that lasts a few minutes, which users describe as an incredibly intense spiritual experience. In the 1960s, DMT was often used by business people to get a short trip during work or between meetings.
There is also no evidence that DMT or Ayahuasca are actually addictive substances like heroin, crack, tobacco, alcohol or sugar. The ban on the substance is therefore extremely controversial.
You can find an exciting documentary about DMT and Ayahuasca on YouTube. The best You can find books about DMT on Amazon, if you would like to read more in depth:
9. Ayahuasca recipes
There doesn't seem to be a consistent way to prepare it traditionally, but generally the recipe takes several hours to a full day to complete and involves at least one MAO inhibitor plant.
Depending on the shaman, the Caapi Ayahuasca vine is used alone or directly together with the leaves of Chakruna or another plant containing DMT Chaliponga or Mimosa roots prepared. The most common Ayahuasca recipe is with Cackruna and Caapi.
The Chakruna leaves should be picked directly in the morning with sunrise or in the evening with sunset. DMT levels are highest at these times. The stem of the vine must be broken using a hammer or other hard object such as a tree branch until the fibers separate from each other. All ingredients are then purified by the smoke of Mapacho and prayers or chanting.
The ingredients for the Ayahuasca recipe are cooked in a large pot or in two separate pots over an open fire until most of the liquid has evaporated. The remaining brew is the ayahuasca tea, which is combined in the last few minutes of preparation when boiled separately.
In practice, if it weren't illegal, you could also prepare an ayahuasca tea with DMT in Germany, as certain grasses like that reed or reed grass contain DMT.
9.1. Guayusa
Another exciting ingredient often used by the Kichwa tribes in Ecuador ingredient is mixed in Guayusa. Guayusa is a particularly exciting plant that is boiled like tea, but is not. Its effect is described as particularly focusing, awakening and stress-reducing. You can find out more about the most caffeinated plant in the world in our article “what is Guayusa“.
The Ayahuasca vine, or more precisely the resulting drink, has an extremely bitter taste. Guayusa is therefore added to the ayahuasca recipe to make the taste more pleasant, but at the same time to give the participants enough energy for the ceremony and to avoid a hangover effect.
Like Ayahuasca has too Guayusa a tradition among the Kichwa that is thousands of years old and, in addition to the stimulating effect for which we love it so much in this country, is used for numerous ceremonial purposes, including: Lucid dreams.
Guayusa Unlike Ayahuasca, you can buy and drink it legally in Germany. You can get it as an energy tea in our Shop.
10. Ayahuasca journey
As we already mentioned above, a trip to South America is a good opportunity to experience the authentic Ayahuasca ceremony or an entire retreat with a real recipe. Since ayahuasca is recognized as legal medicine in some countries, it should be the first choice anyway in order to avoid possible difficulties with the state here in Germany.
We as Guayusa The company often travels to Ecuador and has seen how common the consumption of ayahuasca is as a medicine. If you are already there, we can connect you with locals and even German-speaking or English-speaking emigrants in the Napo region.
However, we cannot give a direct travel recommendation for an individual Ayahuasca retreat. When making your choice, you should make sure that it is a place east of the Andes and that the offer has many good reviews or has been recommended to you first hand.
11. Conclusion
Coming to a conclusion about Ayahuasca ceremonies is anything but easy. We think that, depending on the person, such a ceremony or even an entire Ayahuasca retreat can be a fantastic experience. If you are afraid of using it, you may have it for a specific reason and should avoid using it for the time being.
The molecule DMT, which is responsible for the intensive effects of an Ayahuasca recipe, occurs naturally in numerous plants, animals and even ourselves. It is an extremely exciting substance that scientists also call the “consciousness molecule”.
DMT and the ready-made Ayahuasca recipe are illegal in Germany and the entire EU, but purchasing a Caapi Liane or Chakruna leaves is legal.
For an authentic and legal Ayahuasca experience, we think traveling to South America is the best choice, but everyone has to decide for themselves.
We look forward to your feedback on this article, please write to us Facebook or Instagram. If you are interested in our traditional Guayusa If you have tea, you can take it in ours Shop with Buy 5% discountby using the Code “BLOG-5” used in checkout. As Newsletter You even get a member 10% discount.