FAQ about Guayusa & caffeinated drinks

On this page you will find all the important information about Ilex Guayusa Tea prepared quickly and easily as an FAQ. Additional links will take you to detailed articles where you can read more or watch a video.
This post will be updated regularly.
Table of contents
- what is Guayusa?
- How works Guayusa?
- What active ingredients/ingredients does it have? Guayusa?
- Where comes Guayusa here?
- How much caffeine has Guayusa Tea?
- What are Nootropics?
- What are Lucid Dreams?
- What are dream herbs?
- What is Ayahuasca?
- As is Guayusa Tea grown and processed?
- How do I prepare? Guayusa tea too?
- Why tastes good Guayusa Tea not bitter?
- How long must Guayusa Brew tea?
- What advantages does it have? Guayusa compared to other stimulants?
- What are the Kichwa indigenous people?
1. What is Guayusa?
Guayusa, also Ilex Guayusa or Waysa, is a holly plant from the Amazon rainforest of Ecuador. It is used by the local Kichwa natives as a wake-up call.
You can find more information in our article: what is Guayusa?
2. How works Guayusa?
The effect of Guayusa is fundamentally different from other caffeinated drinks. This is due to the particularly balanced content of active ingredients and ingredients. The effect is as “State of relaxed alertness” described.
You can find more information in our article: How works Guayusa Tea?
3. What active ingredients/ingredients does it have? Guayusa?
The main active ingredients are caffeine, theobromine, theophylline, L-theanine and antioxidants. Guayusa It also has a lot of proteins, vitamins and minerals.
You can find more information about the ingredients and their effects in our article: Ingredients of Guayusa tea
4. Where comes Guayusa here?
Guayusa comes from the Amazon rainforest of Ecuador. There is also Guayusa Farmers on the outskirts of Colombia and Peru. However, the majority comes from Ecuador.
If you want to know more about the myths and legends of the Kichwa Indians around the Guayusa If you want to find out where it comes from, we recommend the article: Guayusa Origin – myths & legends
5. How much caffeine has Guayusa Tea?
Guayusa Tea has up to 7.6% caffeine, measured on dry matter. This is the highest value ever measured. On average, the content is around 3.2% caffeine. Guayusa, so that the most caffeinated leaf in the world can be made from which the most caffeinated drink in the world can be made.
You can find a comparison of caffeinated drinks in our free e-book: Wake-up comparison
or in our blog post: The most caffeinated drink in the world
6. What are Nootropics?
“Nootropics are dietary supplements that aim to increase memory, focus and concentration, as well as general memory retention.”
You can find out more about Nootorpika in our article: Modafinil, Ritalin, NZT effect and alternatives
7. What are Lucid Dreams?
Lucid dreams, also known as lucid dreams, are waking dreams in which you are aware that you are dreaming. Experienced lucid dreamers can control their dreams, relive what they have experienced, learn things and perform things that are not possible in normal life, e.g. flying, floating, breathing underwater, etc.
Our detailed article takes you on a journey into this crazy world: What are lucid dreams and how do they work?
8. What are dream herbs?
Dream herbs are special plants that are used to stimulate dreams and increase the likelihood of having a lucid dream. Guayusa is one of those dream herbs. This sounds confusing at first, as it is also the most caffeine-rich leaf in the world, but the special active ingredient complex allows the mind to be active at night and thus immerse yourself in a dream.
You can find all the information about the various dream herbs in our Comparison of the most famous dream herbs.
9. What is Ayahuasca?
Ayahuasca is a spiritual healing method widespread in South America in which various plants are boiled together to make ayahuasca tea. The tea is drunk and causes extreme hallucinations, which, similar to LSD, allow a deep look into one's own consciousness.
Guayusa is part of this ritual for some Amazon tribes to gain additional energy. You can find all information about the Ayahuasca ritual in our article (No GUYA does not sell ayahuasca and Guayusa is only used by the indigenous people as an energizer ingredient): Ayahuasca Ceremony & Retreat – DMT & Recipe
10. How will Guayusa Tea grown and processed?
Guayusa is grown in so-called permacultures. This is the exact opposite of a monoculture. Depending on the intensity of permaculture, a handful, a dozen or even hundreds of beneficial plants are combined on one hectare to create a synergy.
GUYA works directly with farmers in Ecuador who Guayusa cultivate exclusively in permacultures that combine at least several dozen different crops. This protects the rainforest from further deforestation. In addition, we work with the NGO YAKUM, which reforests cleared Amazon areas into permaculture crops, combining at least 100 different species.
More about this in our Project area and our articles:
- Monocultures, their definition, disadvantages & possible advantages
- What does organic farming mean – mono VS. Permaculture
11. How do I prepare Guayusa tea too?
As with coffee, tea and cocoa, there are numerous options Guayusa Making tea. We have several blog articles with recipe ideas, instructions and two short ones e-book to download.
- Top 10 Guayusa Preparations
- Make your own healthy energy drink – recipe ideas
- Guayusa Ice brew for the summer
- e-Book: 13 preparations from Guayusa
- e-Book: 10 exclusive preparations from Guayusa
12. Why tastes good Guayusa Tea not bitter?
Guayusa is the only caffeinated drink that contains little to no bitter substances. When prepared normally (everything except boiling the leaves over a long period of time) results in a strong tasting tea with a slightly earthy/foresty note.
13. How long must Guayusa Brew tea?
Depending on what effect you want and which of our varieties you are preparing. You can find our recommended brewing times in our article: Brewing times of Guayusa tea
or in ours Short overview a little less detailed.
14. What are the benefits? Guayusa compared to other stimulants?
Guayusa combines all the important active ingredients of coffee, cocoa and green tea. This combination of active ingredients creates the unique effect, which is very pleasant despite the extremely high caffeine content and, unlike other caffeinated drinks, has no known side effects.
More in our posts:
15. What are the Kichwa indigenous people?
The indigenous people of Ecuador and parts of Peru are called Kichwa. They are the ones who Guayusa Tea as a cultivated plant has been used every day as an energizer for thousands of years.
You can find more information about the Kichwa way of life in our article: