Theophylline effect – side effects, alternative, dosage

In this article we would like to give you an overview of the well-known active ingredient theophylline. This comes in, among other things Guayusa tea before. Accordingly, theophylline plays a role in this Effect an important role. We also go into theophylline dosage, alternatives and of course the active ingredient itself. First of all, we would like to point out that this is a natural functional food or rather a substance, as it has numerous physiologically beneficial properties. You can find out exactly what these are in this article.
- What is Theophylline?
Theophylline effect
- Theophylline side effects
- Theophylline alternative
- Theophylline dosage
- Buy theophylline
- Conclusion
1. What is Theophylline?
Theophylline is an active ingredient used to treat lung diseases such as asthma and COPD. It was first discovered in 1888 in the tea plant, from which e.g. B. Green tea and black tea is produced, and is therefore originally a natural active ingredient.
1.1 The theophylline active ingredient
At Asthma and COPD The active ingredient theophylline is now prescribed as an alternative medicine, although most medications are synthesized. In dry form, the active ingredient is an odorless white powder.
For an optimal solubility with coffee, tea or Guayusa should be Hot infusion be made and no Cold brew, since theophylline then has a significantly better solubility. It can most easily be dissolved in very alkaline liquids, but who wants to make their tea with ammonia water!?
The theophylline active ingredient is also structurally related to caffeine. Consuming caffeine at the same time can also slow down the breakdown of theophylline and therefore prolong its effects. The good thing is that these two substances always occur together in nature. Theobromine also belongs to the same family of materials and can also be found together.
The natural active ingredient is found in many caffeine-rich plants. In our free comparison of the most well-known caffeinated drinks and plants, including their ingredients and modes of action, you will find an even more extensive list of natural theophylline sources. Here are some examples:
2. Theophylline effect
The effect of theophylline is extremely exciting because the active ingredient is chemically related to caffeine. However, the effect is different and very specific, which is why it is also one of the so-called Nootorpika active ingredients heard and Guayusa-Tea so effective as a natural nootropic.
It widens the air channels in the lungs. It does this by relaxing the muscles and at the same time reducing the signals that could cause the airway muscles to tense up. This helps you to be able to breathe better.
It also blocks the release of histamine. Histamine is released increasingly by the body during inflammation and allergies. A low release of histamine alleviates chronic symptoms such as asthma or bronchitis.
Respiratory diseases
For the reasons mentioned, theophylline and its effect in medicine are specifically used for respiratory diseases. It helps with narrowed airways e.g. B. to expand the bronchial tubes in asthma. This means those affected can breathe better. It can also reduce inflammation.
Sport and performance improvement
Guayusa Many people now drink it before and after exercise in order to both increase performance and reduce the regeneration time for the body after exercise. Of course, this depends in particular on the whole Active ingredient complex from Guayusa together, not just with the effect of theophylline.
In Studies specifically on theophylline Nevertheless, a significant improvement in physical performance could be determined for this individual active ingredient! The test subjects were examined for their maximum performance (time until exhaustion). The result showed one Performance increase in theophylline effect of 14%.
This of course makes the active ingredient extremely interesting for athletes. If we remember the medical effect, better blood circulation and improved oxygen intake, this increase in performance is understandable.
Theophylline in everyday life?
Even a small amount can lead to improved oxygen intake in everyday life, even for people without chronic complaints or who have a particularly high sporting performance requirement. This positively influences the body's overall performance as well as brain and memory performance.
A single cup Guayusa, tea, mate or coffee can generally give you a better feeling throughout the day.
3. Theophylline side effects
Like almost everything in life, the dose makes the poison! Of course, there are side effects here too. However, these side effects are real Medication with the drug to find, and not when taking natural theophylline from plants.
Side effects of theophylline can include: B. be the following:
- Stomach pain, nausea, vomiting
- Headaches, restlessness, insomnia
- Increased urge to urinate
- Cardiac arrhythmias, cramps
- Potassium deficiency
These side effects can occur with an overdose of 8µg per milliliter or more. Through normal consumption through tea or eating cocoa, it is almost impossible to consume such quantities.
4. Theophylline alternative
Alternatives to theophylline in relation to the treatment of bronchial asthma include Albuterol and Advarir Diskus. However, to pursue this further would be too medical. At this point we would like to give you some natural herbal alternatives that do not contain theophylline, but have been shown in studies to reduce inflammation and reduce asthma symptoms.
In addition, all plants containing caffeine are like Guayusa, coffee, tea, guarana, mate are good alternatives, as caffeine also has an effect on the dilation of the bronchi.
5. Dosage of theophylline
In the above-mentioned study with an enormous increase in performance, the test subjects were given a dosage of 4.5 mg theophylline per kg of body weight. In general, however, it is not advisable to self-medicate with a pure substance of this amount.
If you have respiratory problems, we strongly advise you to see a doctor and alternative medicine. In addition, you can use natural plants like Guayusa and experiment with plant preparations.
If you want to perform better as an athlete, you can do natural biohacking. A comparison of the TOP 5 natural organic energy drinks can be found in the linked blog article. Experiment to see how individual plants containing theophylline behave, their dosage and preparation to your Workout and training impact. Document your approach and then decide for yourself what works for you and what doesn't.
6. Buy theophylline
As previously written, the pure active ingredient requires a prescription! You must therefore discuss your medication with a doctor and then buy the tablets or powder from a pharmacy.
You can get natural theophylline in pretty much any store or online store.Shop buy. We are of course talking about plants that contain the active ingredient theophylline. The most active ingredient is in coffee, and then in significantly smaller amounts in tea, mate and Guayusa to find. A brilliant one Biohacking-Mix is e.g. B. the Guayusa-Coffee blend, there too Theobromine and L-Theanine are present as active ingredients.
7. Conclusion
Theophylline is an extremely exciting active ingredient that provides many benefits. Unless it is used as medication, it has no known side effects in its natural form in plants. By interacting with other active ingredients such as caffeine, theobromine, L-theanine and antioxidants, you can take your natural biohacking to a new level. But of course it is also a great advantage in normal everyday life or in the office to have a little more power!
The active ingredient and its positive interactions are one reason why Guayusa Tea has no known side effects has.
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